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How to Remain Productive at Home During the Coronavirus Crisis

By Kirsten Collins 

Updated 4/2/2020


















Currently, each student is receiving home-instruction due to the official closing of all Bridgeton Public Schools. Utilizing such spare time to either sleep or binge-watch Netflix is alluring; however, your academic responsibilities must continue to be of priority. Following these tips will ensure that your break is both productive and enjoyable; you will be able to promptly complete the assignments you need to, granting you time to engage in more pleasant activities.



Tip #1: Use Your Planner on a Regular Basis


The purpose of a planner is to keep track of upcoming assignments. Closely monitoring their deadlines provide you with a sense of structure, as you get a better idea of the time you have to produce quality work.


In a survey conducted to gauge the studying habits of Bridgeton ECHS students, 65% of the student body reported that they do not regularly use a planner. Considering our extended break, this is especially alarming for two reasons:


Firstly, in the absence of a planner, you are more likely to lose track of due dates. As a result, you will either rush to meet said deadlines (producing low-quality work) or miss them altogether.


Secondly, the assignments completed at home are still considered classwork. Therefore, being neglectful will lead to an increasingly negative impact on your overall grade.


To prevent getting a poor grade due to poor time management, utilize your planner. Besides, you’ll be surprised by how motivated you’ll become to check assignments off of your to-do list.



Tip #2: Create a Schedule


Design a stable structure by creating a schedule. To accomplish this, you must designate a specified amount of time you will spend on each subject or assignment daily.


60% of the student body reported that they don’t intentionally set time aside to study, which requires mapping out a schedule.


During home-instruction, you are no longer provided with a bell-schedule. It is now your responsibility to apply your own. The benefit is that you get to determine how your day goes based on your capabilities.


For precautionary measures, create a flexible schedule that gives you plenty of room for delays. You should utilize your planner as a guide to prioritizing your assignments. 



Tip #3: Designate a Particular Studying Area


The ideal classroom environment is tidy. It has spacious desks, bright lights, and silence. It’s no accident that teachers strive to manage their classrooms in this manner. Such an environment is conducive to focusing and learning.


The disadvantage of home-instruction is that you must create such an environment for yourself, which is what 50% of the student body reported doing; however, depending on your perception, this could be an advantage.


You may also want to choose a particular studying area by replicating the before-mentioned environment. You can even choose to deviate from it, choosing a style that’s specifically tailored to your needs, which is the benefit of home-instruction.


Everyone has a different learning style, so all that matters is that you create an atmosphere that is contributory to focusing on completing your work.



Tip #4: Take Breaks in Between Your Studying Sessions


According to Oxford Learning, taking breaks in between your studying sessions is the most effective way to prevent exhaustion; therefore, incorporate breaks into the schedule you’ve created for yourself.


The entire student body appears to be aware of this form of preservation, as everyone reported that they take breaks.


In addition, it is essential to create appropriate lengths and frequencies of breaks. It’s hard to accomplish anything if your breaks are too long or frequent, but it’s just as hard to keep going without a break.


Oxford Learning recommends a ten to fifteen-minute break every thirty minutes. Nevertheless, of course, only you can determine what works best for you. It’s all about building momentum and taking advantage of all the time you have.



Tip #5: Put Away All Distractions


Distractions come in various forms, which are increasingly present at home. They may range from constantly checking the refrigerator for a snack to using your phone over the time you intended.


Either way, most of us become tempted to do anything but our work, as this is what 85% of the student body reported doing.


To complete your assignments, you have to put away anything that diverts your attention from them. Do what you need to put yourself in the mood to concentrate, whether it's keeping a snack nearby or putting your phone on do-not-disturb.



Tip #6: Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help


The thought of asking your teacher for help in front of your peers appeared to be mortifying in class. Perhaps, you would rather remain confused than asking for help. You're not alone.


55% of the student body reported that they ask for help sometimes, while only 35% ask for help often. For optimal success, you should always ask.


The benefit of home-instruction is that you can have one-on-one time with your professors, asking any questions you may have via email. They’ll be more than happy to answer your questions, and they expect nothing less, as the lack of face-to-face communication suggests the need for more clarification.


Make sure you give them plenty of time to respond by asking well before deadlines and emailing them during appropriate hours of the day (perhaps between 8:00 am and 3 pm).



Tip #7: Network with Other Classmates


If directions are still unclear, you should consult a study buddy or an accountability partner. Who’s a better resource than a few of your classmates?


70% of the student population reported networking with classmates and forming study groups. The benefit of networking is that each person may contribute a unique point-of-view that enhances everyone’s understanding.


It wouldn’t be safe to network in person; therefore, now is the time to take advantage of social media to lend each other a helping hand.



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